Harriot Lacorte can't catch a break

Harriot Lacorte's day started off bad, and it only got worse. She spilled coffee all over herself on the way to work, and then she got a flat tire.

When she finally made it to the office, she found out that her computer had crashed and she had lost all of her work.

Her afternoon was just as bad.

She had a meeting with a client, and she couldn't seem to get anything right. She kept fumbling over her words and making mistakes.

The client was clearly getting annoyed, and Harriot was starting to panic.

Just when she thought things couldn't get any worse, her phone rang. It was her landlord, and he was evicting her.

Harriot couldn't believe it. She had been a good tenant, and she had always paid her rent on time.

But her landlord didn't care.

He said that he was selling the building, and she had to be out by the end of the month.

Harriot was devastated. She didn't know where she was going to go.

  • She had no money, no job, and no place to live.
  • She sat down on the sidewalk and started to cry.

    Harriot Lacorte's luck starts to turn around

    Just when Harriot thought her life was over, a stranger approached her.

    "Excuse me," the stranger said. "Are you okay?"

    Harriot shook her head.

    "I've had a terrible day," she said.

    The stranger listened to Harriot's story.

    "I'm so sorry," the stranger said. "I can't imagine what you're going through."

    Harriot Lacorte's new friend helps her out.

    The stranger introduced herself as Maria, and she told Harriot that she was a social worker.

    Maria offered to help Harriot find a new job and a new place to live.

    Harriot was so grateful. She had never met anyone so kind.

    Maria helped Harriot get back on her feet.

    She found Harriot a new job, and she helped her find a new apartment.

    Harriot Lacorte is back on her feet.

    Harriot is now doing much better.

    She has a good job, and she loves her new apartment.

    She is so grateful to Maria for helping her through a difficult time.

  • She knows that she would not be where she is today without her help