Hawk Tuah Girl goes viral

A video of a young girl in Malaysia singing the national anthem with a hawk on her shoulder has gone viral on social media, delighting netizens with its cuteness.

The video, which was posted on Facebook by the girl's father, shows her standing in a field with a majestic hawk perched on her shoulder. As she begins to sing the anthem, the hawk remains perfectly still, its eyes fixed on her.

Netizens have praised the girl for her beautiful singing voice and for her fearlessness in handling the hawk. Many have also commented on the hawk's stoic demeanor, saying that it looks like it is enjoying the performance.

"This is the cutest thing I've seen all day," wrote one netizen. "The girl is so talented and the hawk is so adorable!"

"I love how the hawk just sits there and listens to her sing," wrote another. "It's like they're best friends."

The girl's father said that he was surprised by the response to the video. He said that he had just wanted to share a moment of his daughter's talent with the world.

"I'm so glad that people are enjoying the video," he said. "It shows that there is still beauty and innocence in the world."

The video has been viewed over a million times since it was posted on Facebook. It has also been shared on other social media platforms, including Twitter and Instagram.

The girl's father said that he hopes the video will inspire others to appreciate the beauty of nature and the strength of the human spirit.

"I hope that this video will show people that anything is possible if you set your mind to it," he said. "Even a little girl can sing to a hawk and make the world smile."