5 Reasons Why Women Love to Wear Heels

High heels are a timeless fashion accessory that so many women love to wear around the globe. According to the reports of Spine Health Institute, around 72% of women wear high heels at some point in their life. 49% of the women aged between 18-24, 42% of the women aged between 20-49 and 34% of women aged 50 or above wear them on a daily basis! High heels are women’s best friend not those shiny diamonds, trust me, any woman will vouch for that.

No matter if a woman is short, medium or even tall, the love for heels is unconditional. As soon as you wear heels, your whole body posture will change, walking in them will make heads turn, boys smirk and girls gasp.

Although heels are associated with pain, hurt and blisters, it is still the most sold out shoe style anywhere in the world. So why do you think that high heels like chunky platform heels get so much love? Well you are about to find out!


5 Reasons Why Women Love To Wear Heels


1.Makes you Feel Elegant and Beautiful

One of the top reasons why women prefer high heels over any other show style is the added elegance and attractiveness that comes with it. Wearing heels gives you an instant dose of charm and appeal that is palpable and shines through.

Some dresses demand high heels as they would not look flattering at all if not paired with heels and some dresses need that extra oomph factor which only comes with the right pair of heels like chunky platform heels. Your whole look comes together in a package and heels are an integral part of it.


2.Boost Confidence

Confidence and height go hand in hand. If you are of the right height then you are also in the correct frame of mind. But not all of us are naturally good heighted so heels are here for our rescue. Heels give you that instant elevation that radiates through and makes you feel more assertive and authoritative.

When you have high heels in your feet, your whole body language becomes leaner which gives out a message of empowerment. Wearing high heels with any outfit not just makes the whole look very classy but also makes you feel good about yourself. In order to feel confident you need to feel good about yourself!


3.Improves Posture

Everyone nowadays is engrossed in their mobile phone, unaware that they are constantly slouching, hunching and bending their back in such a way that could ruin their posture for life. Women can improve their posture, stand tall, straight and lean by wearing high heeled shoes.

High heeled shoes can be worn with every outfit like I said earlier so if you want to improve your posture, invest in one and wear them all the time to see a noticeable difference. You can also alternate between different kinds of heel styles to find the best pair for yourself.


4.Feels Sexy and Draws Attention

All women want to be the centre of attention, take all the limelight and be a head turner. Wearing sneakers, flats or slippers will never draw attention, rather they would just do the opposite and make you get lost in the crowd. But when you adorn heels, you instantly become long, tall and sexy.

Your posture becomes leaner, your height is elevated, your gait is smarter and your dress drapes perfectly, all this contributes to you looking chic and sexy that ultimately draws attention both male and female, which is what every woman secretly yearns for.


5.Its Therapeutic

This is a proven fact that building up your heel collection is very therapeutic. Acquiring a new pair of high heels increases the dopamine levels by a large amount naturally. This increase of dopamine will increase your self-confidence, self-esteem and overall mood. If you want to feel good or lift your mood, go to high heel shopping and see how it reflects on your day.



High heels have a profound effect on us be it men and women. Each one of us draws towards attractive and beautiful things. High heels have the power to make you attractive, sexy, elegant, chic and beautiful hence all the love it receives.