Helen McEntee

Helen McEntee, Minister for Justice, has been in the news a lot lately. She's been criticized for her handling of the asylum seeker crisis, and for her decision to deport a Nigerian woman who had been living in Ireland for 17 years.
McEntee is a member of Fine Gael, the main center-right party in Ireland. She was elected to the Dáil Éireann, the lower house of the Irish parliament, in 2016. She served as Minister of State for Mental Health and Older People from 2017 to 2020, and was appointed Minister for Justice in 2020.
McEntee is a controversial figure. She has been accused of being too harsh on asylum seekers, and of not doing enough to help refugees. She has also been criticized for her handling of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Despite the criticism, McEntee remains a popular figure among Fine Gael voters. She is seen as a rising star in the party, and is tipped as a future leader.
Here are some of the main criticisms that have been leveled at Helen McEntee:
* She is too harsh on asylum seekers. McEntee has been criticized for her decision to deport a Nigerian woman who had been living in Ireland for 17 years. She has also been accused of making it too difficult for asylum seekers to enter the country.
* She is not doing enough to help refugees. McEntee has been criticized for not doing enough to help refugees who are fleeing conflict and persecution. She has been accused of not providing enough support for refugees who have arrived in Ireland.
* She is not handling the COVID-19 pandemic well. McEntee has been criticized for her handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. She has been accused of not doing enough to support businesses and workers who have been affected by the pandemic.
Despite these criticisms, McEntee remains a popular figure among Fine Gael voters. She is seen as a rising star in the party, and is tipped as a future leader.