Helga Flatland" Mee

Helga Flatland"
Meet the 99-Year-Old Norwegian Who's "Never Been This Happy Before"|

Who is Helga flatland ?
Born in 1924, Helga Flatland is a Norwegian centenarian who has lived a life full of adventure and joy. Growing up on a farm in rural Norway, Helga learned the value of hard work and perseverance at a young age.

From farm to harvard
Despite not having formal schooling beyond the age of fourteen , Helga thirst for knowledge led her to pursue an impressive academic careeer. Having passed the university entrance exam at the age of 53, she went on to study theology at the University of Oslo and graduated from Harvard Divinity School. Helga is driven by her passion for learning and making a difference in the world.

Her writing career
At the remarkable age of 85, Helga began to write inspiring and thought-provoking books. Her memoir "The Year I Turned 85 and Decided to Live" became an international bestseller, translated into several languages, and touched the lives of countless readers around the world. Through her writing , Helga shares her wisdom, humor, and zest for life, encouraging others to embrace their own unique paths.

Helga's secret to happiness
Helga attributes her unwavering happiness to a personal philosphy she calls "the art of accepting". She believes that much of the suffering in the world comes from resisting what is and clinging to expectations. Helga's secret is to embrace the full spectrum of life's experience, both the joyous and challenging, She says: "When we accept life as it is, our hearts open up to possibilities, and we can find peace and happiness in the present moment."

Helgas legacy
Helga Flatland is a rolemodel for anyone who wants to live a full and meaningful life. Her indomitable spirit, unwavering optimism, and dedication to personal growth continue to inspire people of all ages. As a global icon of positive aging Helga's message is one of hope, renewal, and infinite possibilities.