Hemorrhoids: The Good, the Bad, and the Itchy

What are Hemorrhoids?
Hemorrhoids are swollen veins in the anus and rectum. They are a common problem, affecting about 50% of people at some point in their lives.
Types of Hemorrhoids
There are two types of hemorrhoids:
* Internal hemorrhoids occur inside the rectum. They are usually painless, but they can bleed.
* External hemorrhoids occur outside the anus. They can be painful, itchy, and bleed.
Symptoms of Hemorrhoids
The symptoms of hemorrhoids can vary depending on the type and severity of the hemorrhoids. Some of the most common symptoms include:
* Pain
* Itching
* Bleeding
* A feeling of fullness in the rectum
* Difficulty passing stools
Causes of Hemorrhoids
The exact cause of hemorrhoids is unknown, but there are a number of factors that can contribute to their development, including:
* Straining during bowel movements
* Chronic constipation or diarrhea
* Pregnancy
* Obesity
* Age
Treatment of Hemorrhoids
The treatment of hemorrhoids depends on the type and severity of the hemorrhoids. Some of the most common treatments include:
* Over-the-counter hemorrhoid creams or suppositories
* Sitz baths
* Rubber band ligation
* Surgery
Prevention of Hemorrhoids
There are a number of things you can do to prevent hemorrhoids, including:
* Eat a high-fiber diet
* Drink plenty of fluids
* Exercise regularly
* Avoid straining during bowel movements
* Lose weight if you are overweight or obese
When to See a Doctor
If you have hemorrhoids that are causing you pain, bleeding, or other problems, you should see a doctor. Hemorrhoids can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, such as colorectal cancer.

Hemorrhoids are a common problem, but they can be treated. If you have hemorrhoids, there are a number of things you can do to relieve your symptoms and prevent them from coming back.