Herbs For Breastfeeding and Increasing Your Milk Supply

Nature has gifted us with a lot of miraculous herbs that can work wonders to us if used in the right way. It’s been centuries that these herbs are used as herbal lactation supplements to boost milk supply and for other medical purposes too. However, to increase your milk production, you need to nurse and pump more along with consuming effective galactogogues that help in dealing with low milk supply. some are discussed below:

1- Stinging nettle

Stinging nettle is a leafy green plant just like spinach which is rich in iron, vitamins like A, C and K, as well as in B complex too and has some amazing anti-inflammatory properties too. It is also well known to treat anemia, fight fatigue and of course works on milk supply too. antioxidants in it help fight with free radicals, cancer cells and other harmful diseases too. They're so good at making milk that many times they can cause an overabundant milk supply resulting in breast engorgement too. Use it as you use spinach in food or other leafy vegetables, you can also boil its leaf to make tea or use as dried powder form as well.


Alfalfa is the earliest and most cultivated crop, belongs to the pea family, linked to many early civilizations, and has been used as food and medicine for a very long time. It’s also a main source of food for many dairy animals like cows and goats, high in protein and fiber, vitamins and minerals, rich in antioxidants, low in saturated fat. This herb aids in digestion, lowers cholesterol and blood sugar levels. This herb helps stimulate milk production because it mimics the properties of estrogens and attach to their receptors, resulting in increased milk supply and volume of breast tissues too. You can use them as tea, food or even in powder form too. However, avoid using it raw and sprouted because it can cause food poisoning to the mother as her immune system is already compromised.

3- Fenugreek

This herb is native to Mediterranean and Asian countries and is a very well known galactogogue and a primary ingredient in many herbal lactation supplements and teas. The seeds of this plant have a smell of maple syrup which transfers in breast milk too. It encompasses phytoestrogen, plant chemicals that resemble female estrogen hormones and enhance sweat making glands, therefore increasing milk supply sufficiently. However, many mothers experience maple syrup smell in their urine, sweat and breast milk too. your baby may experience the same, and it’s quite normal, so no need to worry at all.


All of its plant is beneficial, whether the plant or the seeds, it has been used for culinary and medicine uses since ages. People not only use it as herbal lactation supplement but it also aids in digestion, freshen breath, treats gas and bloating issues, also the benefits passes to the baby through breastmilk, which helps the baby in easy digestion and relieve the symptoms of colic pain too. It has a sweet, licorice flavor that can be used raw in salads or vegetables or even chewed as it is. It also has estrogen like properties which works on mothers milk producing glands to produce more milk. Another good thing is that it increases the fat content of the milk, which improves the quality of milk, healthy weight gain, growth and development of the baby.

5-Blessed thistle

It looks like hairy dandelions like leaves and yellow blossoms, also known as holy thistle. It is believed to work on the hormone prolactin which stimulates milk production and oxytocin hormone which is responsible for letting down and releasing milk from nipples. This herb works best when combined with fenugreek or similar milk producing herbs to attain desirable results. It is typically prepared as tea using the top, leaves and upper stems and are also available as capsule, tincture or in powdered form.

6-Goat’s rue

Goat’s rue is a herb from the fenugreek family, used in dried form and it is one of the most powerful galactogogues in the herbal formulary. It works on mother’s mammary gland development, breast tissues and can increase milk supply to almost double. However, while dried goat’s rue powder is an effective lactogenic herb, the fresh plant is dangerous and toxic, so avoid using it. Also it potentially lowers blood sugar levels, so be careful while using it.

7-Milk thistle

This is one of the oldest traditional galactogogues, which helps balancing hormones and boost milk supply. It is actually a flower also known as Mary Thistle, which has small veins on its plant representing breastmilk. Milk thistle and blessed thistle are both from the same family and work effectively on boosting milk supply. This herb is also good in improving liver functions, with anti-tumor, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties too. It's usually available in the form of powder, tea, liquid extracts and tablets too.

8-Brewer’s yeast

Brewer’s yeast is a powerful fungus with many health benefits linked to it. It's often used as an energy booster, protein supplement and immunity enhancer too. This yeast is fully loaded with B vitamins, iron, minerals, zinc, selenium and many other important nutrients that are used to promote energy to mothers and also fight off the baby blues. They not only increase the quantity of milk but also improves the quality of milk as well. Use it in tablet or powder form, also you can sprinkle it on popcorns and chickpeas too.

 A little advice on herbs

Herbs are effective herbal lactation supplements and many experienced mothers recommend them to increase milk supply but they have not been scientifically proven plus they aren’t FDA regulated, so be sure to use them carefully. A good rule of thumb is not to exceed the recommended dose and always consult your lactation consultant or doctor before consuming any medicine or herb. Try to buy them from reputable companies and commercial brands.


As a feeding mother, it is natural to be worried about low milk supply and many mothers think about different options like medicines and galactogogues too. These herbs are effective and usually safe if taken in the right amount and quantity.