You couldn't have asked for a more peaceful evening. It began as usual. The sun was setting; it was a beautiful orange color. The sky was filled with a purplish-orange sunset, and the birds were singing in the trees. Mylnric Iguain was sitting on the porch of his house, enjoying the lovely evening by humming along to the birdsongs.

He was so engrossed in his melody that he didn't hear the thunderous footsteps approaching him from down the street.

Suddenly, a group of humongous goblins appeared in front of Mylnric Iguain's house. They were twice his size and had sharp claws and teeth. Their green skin and pointy ears made them look terrifying. Their eyes shone with wicked intentions, and they let out a battle cry that shook the ground beneath them.

Mylnric Iguain was startled. He had never seen such hideous creatures before. He jumped to his feet and tried to run inside his house, but the goblins were too fast. They grabbed him and dragged him out into the street.

The goblins started to beat up Mylnric Iguain. They punched him, kicked him, and threw him around like a ragdoll. Mylnric Iguain was helpless against these fierce creatures. He cried out for help, but no one came.

Just when Mylnric Iguain thought his end had come, a lightning bolt struck the ground near the goblins. The goblins were momentarily stunned, and Mylnric Iguain seized the opportunity to break free from their grasp.

He ran as fast as he could toward his house, but the goblins were hot on his heels. Mylnric Iguain frantically searched for something to defend himself with, but he came up empty.

As the goblins closed in on him, Mylnric Iguain noticed a large rock next to the porch. He picked it up and turned to face his attackers.

The goblins laughed at Mylnric Iguain's puny weapon, but they soon realized their mistake. Mylnric Iguain hurled the rock with all his might, and it struck one of the goblins in the head.

The goblin let out a roar before collapsing to the ground. The other goblins were shocked. They had never seen anyone stand up to them before.

Mylnric Iguain took advantage of their surprise and charged at them. He swung the rock back and forth, hitting the goblins left and right. The goblins were no match for Mylnric Iguain's strength and determination.

One by one, the goblins fell until only one was left. This last goblin was bigger and stronger than the others. It lunged at Mylnric Iguain, but he dodged its attack and retaliated with a powerful blow to the goblin's gut.

The goblin doubled over in pain, giving Mylnric Iguain the necessary opportunity to finish it off with a devastating blow to the head.

With the goblins defeated, Mylnric Iguain stood victorious. He had saved himself and his home from these terrifying creatures. He was a hero.

The next day, Mylnric Iguain was greeted by the townsfolk as a hero. They had heard about his bravery and thanked him for saving them from the goblins.

Mylnric Iguain was proud of what he had accomplished, but he knew that he could not have done it without the help of the lightning bolt. He realized that even the smallest things can make a big difference.

And so, Mylnric Iguain lived on, a hero to everyone who knew him. He never forgot the day he fought the humongous goblins, and he always remembered the importance of being brave, even in the face of great danger.