Herrand Associates Wealth Management Singapore, Tokyo Japan on Fixed Income


Extensive Wealth-Building Solutions

Herrand Associates Fixed-income Management professionals provide sound income methods based on absolute returns.

Global Multi-Sector Strategy

Strategies pinpoint global fixed-income instruments that primarily focus on the protection of capital with long-term risk-sensitive results.

Fixed-income issues over worldwide sovereign bonds and credit markets provide a sound foundation for Herrand Associates’ fixed-income approach. The process aims to deliver flexibility with expectations exhibiting significant value targets for a certain period.

As a component of a portfolio with diversified assets, the worldwide multi-sector strategy aims to stabilize intrinsic portfolio instability with gains propelled by prudent industry sector rotation, remaining time before maturity and location.

Rising Market-Debt Strategy

With rising economies providing capital through debt issues, Herrand Associates aims to pinpoint fixed-income conditions that offer substantial gains with reduced risk. Obviously, as rising economies are more unstable compared to other economies in developed countries, the effect of risk is greater when exposed to investments in such rising market environments.

Nevertheless, Herrand Associates' competence in research study assures our clients of risk reduction and, at the same time, sustaining the prospect of positive gains normally above that of the market-at-large.

Our confidence in rising market debt usually takes into account the following factors:

  • Effects of technical concerns, such as demand, supply and structure
  • Historical reliability of issuing entities and their capacity to address the coupon
  • Operating industry sector and country risk realities
  • Political stability and geopolitical environment