Holly Cairns

When I was six, I had my first experience with the power of representation. I was watching the TV show "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" and I was blown away. There was a character who was just like me, she was a strong, independent woman, and she was kick-ass.

I think it's important for everyone to see themselves reflected in the media they consume. It can be so powerful to see someone who looks like you, who has the same experiences as you, and who is successful. It can make you feel like you belong, and that you can achieve anything you set your mind to.

  • I've seen firsthand how representation can change lives. I've seen young people who were struggling with their identity find hope and inspiration in characters who were like them. I've seen people who were bullied and marginalized find their voice and their power.

  • Representation is not just about making people feel good. It's about giving them the tools they need to succeed. When people see themselves represented in the media, they are more likely to believe in themselves and their ability to achieve their goals.

    I'm so proud to be a part of the movement for more representation in the media. I know that it's making a difference in the lives of young people everywhere. And I'm excited to see what the future holds for representation in the media.

    Here are some things you can do to support representation in the media:

    • Watch movies and TV shows that feature diverse characters.
    • Read books by authors from different backgrounds.
    • Support organizations that are working to increase representation in the media.
    • Speak out against racism, sexism, homophobia, and other forms of discrimination.
    • Be an ally to people from marginalized communities.

    Representation is a powerful tool for change. Let's use it to make the world a more just and equitable place.
