Hollywood Memorabilia – Knowing The Best Ways To Grow Your Collection

We all have our favourites, especially when it comes to entertainment.. Favourite TV shows, favourite movies, favourite stars, favourite singers.. We even have our favourite channels to watch these shows on! Some like HBO like it is their best friend while others prefer watching movies only in cinemas.. That’s the thing about entertainment.. It has a way of becoming a part of our lives..

For those of us who are die-hard fans of the movies, collecting Hollywood memorabilia can be a truly indulgent hobby. Anything from props to movie posters to tees and other merchandise.. you can get them all if you know where to look. Think you are a Marvel fan? Why not start a collection of all the superheroes in their war attire – action figures, costumes, posters, you name it!

But as I said above – you have got to know where to look for these items. Hollywood memorabilia, especially the authentic kind, is not that easy to find. So how would you ensure that your collection sports only the best of things? Allow me to help..

First thing.. you should look at the seller you are getting the items from. The reputation and market standing of a Hollywood memorabilia seller is the most important factor to note in this case. You should look for auction houses and galleries who have been in this business for a long time. Another important factor to look for is authenticity. Try and find sellers to whom the celebs have themselves given the articles. This is a much better item to add to your collection rather than a mass produced one which almost every movie lover will buy.

Next, you must understand that you have a lot to lose here if the purchase goes wrong. Fake Hollywood memorabilia means a bad mark on your collection’s authenticity as well as a lot of money lost. This is why you should not be afraid to ask questions from the seller. Things you should find out include how long the company has been going for, the history of the item and what sort of certificate of authenticity comes with the item. A seller who has been around for ten years or more is most likely to stay and not vanish with your money. The history of the piece itself is important too. Finally, a certificate of authenticity is a must when purchasing memorabilia and without it you can safely assume it is a fake.

Some targeted detective work might also come in handy when you are out to buy Hollywood memorabilia. Do some research on the internet about the item. If it is authentic and has actually been used or given away by the celebrity in question, it is bound to be in the news. A little digging around into the seller’s authenticity wouldn’t hurt you either.

You will be surprised to know just how much the internet can help you in finding the right place to buy these items from. In fact, you can visit StarTuch.com to get the best in Hollywood memorabilia.

About The Author

David Jones is an expert in celebrity auctions and movie promotional merchandise. He also likes to write many interesting articles about the topic, helping people find the best items to buy. He recommends StarTuch.com as the best place to buy high quality Hollywood Memorabilia.