Home along da Riles

Picture this: a gentle breeze carrying the sweet scent of ocean spray, palm trees swaying rhythmically to the ocean's symphony, and the tranquil sound of waves crashing against the sandy shore.

No, I'm not whisking you away to a tropical paradise. I'm inviting you to a place that holds a special place in my heart—my hometown, nestled alongside the rugged coastline of Long Beach Island, New Jersey.

Growing up in this picturesque town, the constant companionship of the railroad tracks was as familiar as the sound of my own heartbeat. The tracks, like steel arteries, wound their way through our town, connecting us to the hustle and bustle of the mainland beyond.

In the summer months, when the sun painted the sky with fiery hues, the tracks became our playground. We'd race alongside the trains, feeling the thrum of their engines beneath our feet. As the sun dipped below the horizon, we'd gather on the tracks, sharing stories and laughter, our voices echoing through the salty air.

But the tracks were more than just a place to play. They were a symbol of both departure and arrival, a lifeline to the wider world. Every morning, commuters filled the train station, their faces a mix of anticipation and trepidation as they embarked on their journeys. In the evening, the station transformed into a stage for reunions and embraces, as loved ones welcomed weary travelers home.

One summer night, as I sat on the platform waiting for a train, I struck up a conversation with an elderly woman. Her face was etched with a lifetime of stories, and as she shared her experiences of growing up in the town, I realized that these tracks held not only my memories but also the collective history of our community.

The railroad tracks are more than just a physical presence; they are a thread that weaves through the fabric of our town, connecting generations and creating a tapestry of shared experiences. They remind us that we are part of something larger than ourselves, a community defined not only by geography but also by the stories we share.

As I reflect on my childhood and the role the railroad tracks played in shaping it, I feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude. They were a constant presence, a backdrop to countless childhood adventures and a reminder of the unbreakable bond that unites our town.

So, next time you're passing through, take a moment to pause and appreciate the iconic railroad tracks that run through our town. Remember that they are not just a means of transportation but a symbol of our community's resilience, our shared history, and the enduring power of home.

As the trains continue to rumble along the tracks, they carry with them the hopes, dreams, and stories of countless individuals. They are a constant reminder that we are all connected, that our journeys may be different, but we are all bound together by the common threads that make up our community.

And as the sun sets and the stars twinkle above our town, the railroad tracks become a beacon of hope, a promise that no matter where life takes us, there will always be a place we can call home.