Home Depot Rekey Locks: Your Guide to Enhanced Security


Are you worried about the security of your locks? Have you recently lost or misplaced your keys? If so, Home Depot's lock rekeying service can provide peace of mind. In this guide, we'll explore everything you need to know about this valuable service.

What is Lock Rekeying?

Lock rekeying is a process where the key mechanism of a lock is changed without replacing the entire lock. This means that the existing lock remains in place, but it now operates with a new set of keys.

Benefits of Rekeying:

Enhanced Security: Rekeying your locks helps improve security by replacing worn-out or compromised keys, minimizing the risk of unauthorized access.

Convenience: No need to replace the entire lock, saving you time and money.

Flexibility: You can create new keys for specific individuals, such as lost or stolen keys, while keeping existing keys in circulation.

How to Get Locks Rekeyed at Home Depot:

1. Visit Your Local Store: Bring your locks and keys to the Home Depot Service Desk.
2. Complete a Form: Fill out a form providing your contact information, lock information, and desired rekeying options.
3. Choose New Keys: Select new keys from a wide variety available at the store.
4. Wait for Rekeying: The rekeying process typically takes 15-30 minutes, depending on the number of locks.
5. Collect Your Rekeyed Locks and Keys: Once the rekeying is complete, you can take your locks and new keys home and enjoy enhanced security.

Additional Tips:

Consider Rekeying After Major Events: Rekeying is recommended after moving into a new home or experiencing a break-in or lost keys.

Combine with Other Security Measures: Enhance the security of your home by combining lock rekeying with other measures such as alarm systems or security cameras.

Keep Your Keys Safe: Store your new keys in a safe and secure location, and avoid leaving them unattended.


Home Depot's lock rekeying service is a convenient and cost-effective way to enhance the security of your home. By following these steps and considering our additional tips, you can enjoy peace of mind knowing that your locks are protected from unauthorized access.