Pacific Business Sales is a Healthcare Business

Broker specializing in the sale of Healthcare companies including Licensed Home Nursing, Licensed Home Care, Medical Services Billing Companies, Dental labs plus Therapeutic practices such as Acupuncture, and other    home health business brokers  healthcare businesses involved in the sales, distribution, and manufacturing of medical devices.

Healthcare Businesses Brokers for

Licensed Home Nursing & Medical Care
Licensed Home Care
Medical Services & Medical Billing
Therapeutic Practices & Physical Therapy
Medical Device Manufacturing & Distribution
Dental Labs
Acupuncture Practices

At Pacific Business Sales we thoroughly understand the process of selling healthcare companies, how to properly value medical and healthcare businesses, the licensing requirements, and the process involved in the sale of healthcare and/or medical companies. We also know how to obtain SBA financing for the sale-purchase of healthcare companies located in Orange County and throughout California. Our Business Broker firm has a large and diverse pool of buyers based throughout California that are interested in the acquisition of healthcare businesses like yours.

California state and County licensing requirements for the purchase of healthcare companies can be complicated and strict. To successfully sell your healthcare business you need a Business Broker experienced in these sales and knowledgeable about the licensing requirements for medicare, non-medical home healthcare, medical home healthcare, medical testing laboratories, etc.