
What's the biggest problem you see your community facing? 

The biggest problem my community faces right now is homelessness. The government doesn't try and help these people or even try and put them in a shelter. We need to give shelter to those in need and protect individuals who are not financially stable. 


Target population - Who should these shelters be for?

For every one new and long-term displaced persons,  that have no available or safe living conditions.


 Driving Question- What will this help or change the people?

Our project will change the rate at which homeless civilians find shelters and support centers in the city


Success Indicators - What will success look like?

 a larger influx of at-risk people finding shelters and support areas for a variety of things. Such as displacement due to religion or sexual orientation


 What if we? - What activities will get us to success?

Reaching out to areas of high clustered homelessness with addresses of shelters and organizations that can be of help.


Assessment - How will we know we are successful?

- We know we succeed when there are no more in want or no more homeless people on the streets and when they are put in shelters.