Horses loose in London

Can you believe it? Horses are running wild in the streets of London! I know what you're thinking – it sounds like something out of a movie. But trust me, this is real life.
Don't worry, though; they're not causing any major damage. In fact, they seem to be enjoying themselves. I mean, who wouldn't love to gallop down the streets of one of the world's most famous cities?
It all started when a farmer lost control of his herd during a thunderstorm. The horses bolted and made a break for the city. The police were called, but they've been unable to catch them.
The horses have been roaming the streets for days now. They've been spotted in Hyde Park, Trafalgar Square, and even Buckingham Palace. The Queen must be furious!
The horses have become a bit of a celebrity. They've been featured on the news, and people are sharing videos of them on social media. Some people are even calling them the "London Cowboys."
I think it's great. It's a bit of chaos, but it's also a lot of fun. It's not every day you see horses running wild in the streets of London.
Who knows how long it will last? The police are still trying to catch them, but the horses are having the time of their lives. I hope they can stay free for as long as possible.

Update: The horses have finally been caught. They were tranquilized and taken back to the farm. It was a sad day for the people of London, but at least the horses are safe.

I'm going to miss seeing them run wild in the streets. They brought a bit of magic to the city. But I'm sure they'll be happy to be back home.