How to find an apartment


It’s true that there are a huge number of apartments available around any big city. But still, it seems very hard to find a perfect apartment for you. The definition of a perfect apartment varies for everyone depending on their needs. That’s where it becomes confusing because many people do not know what they are looking for while searching for an apartment.


Getting an apartment in a prime area of the city is what everyone goes after. So, it’s very common that you will have to compete with a lot of people to find an apartment. That’s why you have to plan early rather than wait for the last moment. Else, you will have to get an apartment that you don’t want. Here in this article, I will break down this whole process into simple steps so that you can find the perfect apartment for yourself.


Start your search earlier

A common mistake almost everyone makes is to start the search when half the month has passed. You shouldn’t do that. Better apartments often get picked up by other people at the first third of the month. If you search for furnished apartments for rent in Gulshan Dhaka at different stages of a month, you will get completely different results. So, If you are determined to get an apartment you would love to have, you should start searching at the first stage of the month too. I would recommend starting the search 2 months earlier. The broader range of time you get the possibility of finding the right apartment increases.


Determine your budget

Having a firm idea of your budget is an important task. This will help you decide quickly if you can afford an apartment or not. Obviously, you don’t want to end up in an apartment that you can’t afford. This will cause you to search for a different apartment again and also may hurt your credit score.

While determining the budget of your apartment rent, you should keep in mind that your apartment rent should not cross one-third of your income. If you can keep the house rent within 30% of your income, you will be on the safe side.


Choosing the location

This step will narrow down your search area. However, you need to consider a lot of things before choosing a location. You might want to get an apartment within walking distance of your workplace or college. Some may want to have their house close to the public transport routes. Define what you are going to need and which location you will prefer the most. So, when you are thinking of deciding on an apartment, you can evaluate its location according to your needs. 

The location also plays a role in the apartment rent. Generally, an apartment at a prime place in the city costs more than other parts of the city. So, getting an apartment in a less popular area might save you some bucks too. 


Offer to take a longer lease


Typically tenants take a 12-month lease for an apartment. That’s what landlords are getting used to. If you are in a competitive situation, offer a longer lease to turn the landlord's attention towards you. A 14-month or 15-month lease is definitely more interesting than typical leases. Try this trick to be a step further than your competitors.


Tour apartments

It’s a good idea to visit the apartments in person. So that you can actually see the apartment by yourself rather than seeing some pictures. This will help you choose the right apartment. Sometimes some things don’t get caught in pictures or descriptions. You need to see the place with your own eyes. So, do this little extra work, you won’t regret it.


Get the help of real estate brokers

Some real estate brokers can help you find good apartments. Brokers have connections all over the city. They can search an area most effectively. You can also specify to them about your requirements and budget. Just be aware that you are getting help from a rental broker, not an apartment seller.




Apartment hunting might not be the thing you would love to do. But you can’t ignore it either when you are in need. After going through this article, we believe you have got the steps to find an apartment effectively. Your next step will be to do some paperwork to lease the apartment. After that, you will get the key to the apartment and move in.