How to find the right Toronto electronics recycling company?

Disposing the company’s old electronic equipments is not a big task, if you find the right Toronto electronics recycling company. Find the right recycler is not an easy task. All the recycler would advertise as well designed, professionals and compliance with all laws. The websites would look interesting and rates would be tempting. However, it is always better to choose the right Toronto Electronics Recycling company as the data inside the equipment might get to hostile hands or the process might not be of high quality. How can you be sure that the company is actually a recycling company? Do you know what they do with your equipments? Here are a few ways to choose the right Toronto electronics recycling company for your task.


Look at the experience of the company. The more the experience, the more reliable, they are. They cannot be in business for a long time, if they are not what they claim to be.


A good Toronto Electronics Recycling company should be certified under R2 solution, MBE, ISO standards, SBA, OHSAS and e-Steward. It should have compliance with the environmental protection policies. Check whether the company has insurance to safeguard you from any type of liability.

Previous customers

Ask the Toronto electronics recycling company about their previous customers. Contact the customers and ask about their work, quality, reliability and promptness. Ask them whether there were any problems with the process and how the company acted upon it. It is not possible to find a company that does not commit any mistakes. All that matters is, how the company handled the situation.


Surf the internet and check all the forums to know whether there are any complaints raised by the customers. A few negative comments can be ignored. However, the type of problem should be analyzed. You can also clarify with the company about those negative comments.

Ask about the process

Ask the Toronto electronics recycling company about their process. Ask them how they remove the data from the hard drive and how they are recycled. You can also learn where the company would send the recycled products and the security of the process.

For of all, a reputed Toronto electronics recycling company would not mind answering any of these questions. Some might ask you to sign a non-disclosure agreement before revealing any data. If the company is not able to explain any of the questions or refuses to provide the customer information; then, it is better to move on to the next company. Meet the recycler at their place. Communication through phone or mail is not sufficient. Learn about them in detail, before signing a contract. Once you have signed it with a good company, then the recycling process would be very easy and fruitful.