How Decarla Baños Almost Ruined My Day and Ended Up Saving It
Meet Decarla Baños, the woman who accidentally made my day
I am not a morning person. OK, that's an understatement, I am absolutely not a morning person. Therefore, when that dreadful alarm goes off, I hit the snooze button as many times as humanly possible, which is typically around 10-15 times.
Well, on this fateful Monday, I had a very important meeting at work that I absolutely could not miss. I actually cared about the topic and wanted to impress my boss, which is a rare occurrence. So, I set my alarm for an hour and a half before I needed to leave and anticipated hitting that snooze button just a few times.
But as luck would have it, my alarm didn't go off. I didn't wake up until about 45 minutes after I needed to leave the house. I flew out of bed and ran to my bathroom. I didn't bother with the shower because I didn't have time. I brushed my teeth, threw my hair into a bun, and ran to the kitchen to grab a banana. Of course, there were no bananas, so I settled for an apple and ran back to my room to get dressed.
As I was throwing on my clothes, I knocked my phone off the dresser. As I bent down to pick it up, my elbow knocked my coffee mug off the nightstand. I watched in horror as the hot liquid spilled all over my white work shirt. I didn't have another clean, white shirt, so I wiped off the coffee as best I could and put on a cardigan to cover up the stain.
By this time, I was 15 minutes late and I still hadn't left the house. I ran to my car and started the engine. As I was pulling out of the driveway, I realized that my tire was flat. I was about to give up and head back to bed when I saw my neighbor, Decarla Baños, walking her dog.
I ran over to her and asked if she had a spare tire. She smiled and said, "Of course! I'd be happy to help."
Decarla and I walked back to her house and got the spare tire. She helped me change the flat tire and I was finally on my way to work. I was still late, but I knew that I would make it to the meeting.
I walked into the meeting room and took a seat. I was nervous about being late, but I knew that I had a good excuse. I started to get out my notes when I realized that I didn't have them. I had left them on my nightstand when I bumped my phone.
I was about to panic when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and saw Decarla Baños standing there. She handed me my notes and said, "I saw you drop these as you were rushing out the door."
I was so relieved. "I don't know what I would have done without you," I said. "You have saved my day."
Decarla smiled. "You're welcome," she said. "Now, go impress your boss!"
I did go on to impress my boss and I owe it all to Decarla Baños. She is the reason why I didn't give up and go back to bed. She is the reason why I made it to the meeting on time. And she is the reason why I had my notes.
Decarla, you are my hero!
The next day I bought Decarla a big bunch of flowers to thank her for helping me out. She was so sweet and she told me that she was just glad that she could help. I am so lucky to have Decarla as a neighbor. She is a kind and caring person and she always puts others before herself. I am proud to call her my friend.