How Old is Joe Biden?

As of today, March 8, 2023, President Joe Biden is 80 years and 15 days old. He is the oldest person to ever serve as president of the United States. Biden's age has been a topic of discussion since he announced his candidacy in 2019. Some people have expressed concern about his ability to serve as president due to his age, while others have said that his age and experience are valuable assets.
Biden was born on November 20, 1942, in Scranton, Pennsylvania. He graduated from the University of Delaware and Syracuse University Law School. He served as a senator from Delaware from 1973 to 2009. Biden was vice president under President Barack Obama from 2009 to 2017. He was elected president in 2020 and took office on January 20, 2021.
Biden's age is a factor that is likely to be discussed throughout his presidency. Some people may worry that he is too old to serve as president, while others may see his age as a sign of experience and wisdom. Only time will tell how Biden's age will affect his presidency.
In the meantime, it is important to remember that Biden is not the first president to serve at an advanced age. Ronald Reagan was 77 years old when he left office in 1989. Dwight Eisenhower was 70 years old when he was elected president in 1952. And John Adams was 61 years old when he was elected president in 1796.
These presidents all served their country with distinction, despite their age. There is no reason to believe that Biden will not be able to do the same.