How old is Kai Trump

The rumor mill never stops, and it seems that there's always a new story about President Trump's youngest son, Barron. The latest? That he's actually much older than we think.

It all started with a post on social media, which claimed that Barron is actually 18 years old. The post went on to say that Barron was born in 2003, not 2006 as has been widely reported. The post has since been shared thousands of times, and it's caused quite a stir online.

So, is there any truth to this rumor? Is Barron Trump really 18 years old?

There's no concrete evidence to support the claim that Barron is 18 years old. The only evidence is the post on social media, which is not a reliable source of information.

However, there are some people who believe that the rumor may be true. They point to the fact that Barron has been seen in public looking much older than his reported age. They also say that Barron's voice has deepened in recent years, which is another sign of aging.

Of course, there's also the possibility that Barron is just a late bloomer. He may have simply hit puberty earlier than other boys his age.

It's impossible to say for sure whether or not Barron Trump is really 18 years old. The evidence is simply not there. However, the rumor is certainly intriguing, and it's one that will likely continue to be discussed for years to come.