How to Find Your Just Right Writing Voice

You know that feeling when you read a piece of writing and you just can't put your finger on what makes it so special? It's not the plot, the characters, or even the style. It's something more elusive, something that makes the writing feel like it's coming from a real, live person with a unique perspective.

That something is voice. Voice is the essence of a writer's individuality. It's what makes your writing stand out from the crowd. And it's something that you can develop and refine over time.

So how do you find your "just right" writing voice? Here are a few tips:

  • Get to know yourself.

The first step to finding your writing voice is to get to know yourself. What are your interests? What are your passions? What makes you laugh? What makes you cry?

Once you have a good understanding of yourself, you can start to explore how those things come through in your writing. Do you write with humor? With poignancy? With a sense of adventure?

The more you write, the more you'll learn about your own voice.

  • Read widely.

One of the best ways to develop your writing voice is to read widely. Pay attention to the voices of the writers you admire. What do they do well? What could they do better?

As you read, try to identify the elements of voice that you like and don't like. This will help you to develop your own sense of what good writing sounds like.

Imitate someone you admire

A great way to develop your writing voice is to imitate the writers you admire.

Choose a writer whose voice you love and try to write in their style. This will help you to get a feel for what makes their writing so special. Of course, you don't want to copy them word-for-word. But you can learn from their techniques and incorporate them into your own writing.

As you write, experiment with different styles and techniques. Try writing in the first person, the third person, or even the second person. Experiment with different sentence structures and vocabulary.

  • Be patient.

Finding your writing voice takes time. Don't get discouraged if you don't find it right away. Just keep writing and experimenting, and eventually you'll find your own unique voice.

And remember, there's no right or wrong way to write. The most important thing is to find a voice that feels authentic to you.

So go forth and write! And don't be afraid to let your voice shine through.