How to see the eclipse without glasses

The upcoming solar eclipse is a once-in-a-lifetime event, and you don't want to miss it. But if you don't have eclipse glasses, you might be wondering how you can safely view the eclipse.

Here are a few tips on how to see the eclipse without glasses:

  • Use a pinhole projector. This is a simple and effective way to view the eclipse. To make a pinhole projector, you will need a piece of cardboard, a needle, and a piece of aluminum foil. Poke a small hole in the center of the cardboard, and then cover the hole with the aluminum foil. Hold the cardboard up to the sun, and you will see a small image of the eclipse projected onto the ground.
  • Use a solar filter. A solar filter is a special type of filter that can be used to safely view the sun. Solar filters are available at most photography stores. To use a solar filter, simply attach it to the front of your camera lens.
  • Watch the eclipse through a telescope. Telescopes are a great way to view the eclipse, and they can also be used to take pictures of the eclipse. If you have a telescope, be sure to use a solar filter to protect your eyes.
  • Use eclipse glasses. Eclipse glasses are the safest way to view the eclipse. Eclipse glasses are designed to block out harmful ultraviolet rays from the sun. If you are able to get a pair of eclipse glasses, be sure to wear them when viewing the eclipse.

No matter how you choose to view the eclipse, be sure to take precautions to protect your eyes. Do not look directly at the sun without proper eye protection.