How to vote in South Africa

South Africa is a democratic country where citizens over the age of 18 have the right to vote in national and provincial elections. Voting is a fundamental part of democracy, as it gives citizens a say in who governs them. It is also a way to hold those in power accountable.

Registering to vote

In order to vote, you must first be registered on the voters' roll. You can register to vote at any Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) office, or at a voting station on election day. You will need to provide your ID document or passport, as well as proof of residence.

Voting on election day

On election day, you will need to go to your designated voting station. You will be asked to present your ID document or passport, and you will be given a ballot paper. The ballot paper will have a list of the parties and candidates that you can vote for. You will need to mark an 'X' next to the party or candidate that you wish to vote for.

Once you have voted, you will need to fold your ballot paper in half and place it in the ballot box. You will then be given a voter's slip, which you must keep until after the election results have been announced.

What if I can't vote on election day?

If you are unable to vote on election day, you can apply for a special vote. Special votes are available for people who are unable to vote on election day due to work, travel, or illness.

To apply for a special vote, you will need to contact the IEC.

Voting is important

Voting is one of the most important ways that you can participate in democracy. By voting, you are helping to choose the people who will govern you. You are also holding those in power accountable.

If you are eligible to vote, please make sure that you register to vote and vote on election day.