Howard Marans MD: Why Athlete’s Should Always Consult a Sports Medicine Surgeon

Although athletes are in peak physical condition, the rigors of their physical training and competition mean that they are also at a greater risk of developing orthopedic problems, especially stress injuries. When athletes seek medical care for an injury, it is important to always consult with a sports medicine surgeon, who has the skills and experience to provide the best treatment possible.

Unique Needs of Athletes


As compared to the general population, athletes have unique needs. As mentioned above, they are more prone to certain injuries. It is important for the doctor to be aware of the factors that lead to sports injuries, and the factors that can prevent sports injuries.

Additionally, the goal of treatment for sports injuries is to return the client to peak physical condition, so that they are able to train and compete at their previous level if at all possible. In contrast, the goal of treatment for older or more sedentary individuals is to control symptoms and prevent further damage. Therefore, treatment for athletes is often more aggressive and more precise.

Preventing Injury and Maximizing Health

A major goal of a sports medicine surgeon is to not just treat the current injury, but prevent further injuries and maximize the health of the patient. For example, many athletic injuries occur due to over-training, which can place strain on certain joints or parts of the body.

The surgeon should carefully evaluate the factors that led to the injury and work with the patient to develop a plan to prevent future injuries. For example, one common solution to over-training is to do cross-training, in which a different type of training is alternated with the traditional training. The doctor will also advise on how to recognize and deal with early signs of joint stress.

Arthroscopic Surgery

Arthroscopic surgery is often used to treat sports injuries that cannot be treated with non-surgical methods. During arthroscopic surgery, the sports medicine surgeon is able to operate on a joint without having to open it up. The doctor makes several small incisions, and a camera is inserted through one of the incisions, allowing the doctor to see the inside of the joint. Tools inserted through the other incisions are used to perform the operation.

Top California Sports Medicine Surgeon 


Dr. Howard Marans of OC Orthopedic is the top sports medicine surgeon in California. Throughout his two decades of experience in orthopedic medicine, Dr. Howard Marans has treated many high-achieving athletes, including Olympians. Dr. Marans understands the unique needs of athletes, and works with each client to return to the previous level of activity as soon as possible.

Dr. Marans would be happy to meet with you about your orthopedic health. To schedule your consultation today, please click below and enter your information or call OC Orthopedic at (714) 979-8981.