HSC timetable 2024: Students are doomed!

The HSC timetable for 2024 has been released, and it's a doozy. Students across New South Wales are sure to be in for a long and stressful year, as they cram in all the study they can before the big exams in October.

The timetable has a few surprises in store for students this year. For one thing, the exams are starting earlier than usual. The first exam, English Paper 1, is scheduled for Tuesday, October 8, which is a whole week earlier than last year.

Another change this year is the addition of a new exam, Science Extension. This exam is for students who have completed the Science Extension course, and it will be worth 50% of their final mark in that subject.

Of course, no HSC timetable would be complete without a few nightmares. This year, the nightmares come in the form of some back-to-back exams. For example, students who are taking both English Paper 2 and Maths Paper 1 will have to sit those exams on consecutive days.

So, what's a HSC student to do? The best thing you can do is to start preparing early. Make sure you have a solid study plan in place, and stick to it as much as possible. And don't forget to take breaks and relax when you need to. The HSC is a marathon, not a sprint, so you need to pace yourself.

Here are a few specific tips for preparing for the HSC:

  • Start studying early and spread your studies over a long period of time.
  • Create a study plan and stick to it as much as possible.
  • Take breaks and relax when you need to.
  • Form study groups with friends and classmates.
  • Attend all of your classes and take notes on everything.
  • Review your notes regularly and revise the material you have studied.
  • Do practice exams and get feedback from your teachers.

And remember, you're not alone in this. There are thousands of other students going through the same thing. So reach out to your friends, family, and teachers for support when you need it.