Alternatives to Facebook

Why are users looking for alternatives to Facebook?


At present when data security and privacy concerns have become an integral part of online media usage, Facebook users are growing concerned day by day due to its security breaches. This Californian social media giant due to its hidden terms and conditions or regulations has made people look for other online social networking apps like Twitter, Instagram or WorldNoor. A significant drawback of Facebook was that its own curated algorithms showcase what users see on their feeds. This is because Facebook developers take control of the users’ personal data to keep in view their particular preferences for personalized advertising. 


Some alternatives to Facebook


  1. WorldNoor

This social network is one of the best alternatives to Facebook for the many unique features it offers. This includes unlimited sharing of audio files, videos, documents, photos, and everything else. It allows you to create galleries so that others can react to your posts. Now, showcasing your talent online has become feasible through the Go Live option on WordNoor which will set your stage for the worldwide audience. Through the real-time translation and text-to-audio translation all your audio messages, videos, and texts can be converted to most spoken languages in the world instantly. Listening to texts is easier by clicking on the special speaker icon next to texts. By the contacts and nearby features you can explore the people that are in your vicinity and befriend them. Similarly you can customize your contact list by organizing your contacts into multiple groups. You will have an exceptional experience through the WorldNoor Group chat and Group call option. Interact with more people simultaneously without sacrificing on audio or video quality. 


2. Minds

There is a very modern approach to this app. Instead of being stored on the company’s server the information is stored decentralized in a blockchain. Minds has an open-source code which can be deciphered by any expert and lends to the rising credibility of the app. Moreover, unlike Facebook which uses ‘likes’ to support content that is appreciated, Minds uses tokens to expand the users’ profiles and expand their reach. The users can actively choose to be paid in US dollars, ether or bitcoin. By linking content with cryptocurrencies, Minds is exploring the same idea that the art world is through the NFTs. Furthermore, the freedom of expression on this app is unique for it attracts people with extreme and bold viewpoints on debatable topics. Their voices are not suppressed or censored and thus everyone can rightfully argue on what they perceive to be true. This Facebook alternative can be used via the browser, Android or iOS. 

3. Diaspora

This is a social world online that puts data back into your hands. It is very similar to Facebook as it allows users to publish status updates, share posts and images, and comment on other people’s posts. You can even customize the viewers of your posts. Diaspora uses hashtags while organizing your posts which means through this way you can find a community of like-minded people that share common interests as yours. This is an open-source project and prides on its decentralized policy. This platform consists of many smaller networks known as pods and if you have any basic knowledge of technicalities you can operate your own pod which functions as a server and enables your private data to remain in your hands. With an estimated 800,000 registered users, Diaspora is not very well-established amongst the user-base unlike Facebook but users who are concerned with data protection are now being driven to this app more often than ever.


4. Vero 

This app which was released in 2015 gained more than three million users by March 2018.  Not only effective influencer campaigns played an important role, but also the current offer of free lifetime membership won users over. Vero is available for both Android and iOS users and may only be installed through paid subscriptions in the future. This annual fee is for a good purpose: developing their company, Vero Labs, by being its main source of income. This app is building a trustworthy relationship with its customers by promising to remain ad-free and not to share any user information for generating profits. Revenue is earned through transaction fees that merchants have to pay when selling products through Vero and implementing the “buy now” button. Vero is different from its alternative, Facebook, because its timeline is not pre-filtered by any algorithms and it allows its users to divide their contacts into four categories: “followers”, “acquaintances”, “friends”, and “close friends”. These groups can then be selected or deselected as the target group when a post is published, so that only the desired audience is informed. The app can now be used to make video calls too. For a Vero account you need to enter a private telephone number.