Mars Travel


Mars. The Red Planet. For 1000s of years, humans have dreamed of visiting the planet. The waiting has  finally come to end. This year, with G 'n A Traveler's Mars Exploration Trip, you get to make that step.  Join the rest of the crew on the Artemis 13, and fly with us to Mars.


Mars has the perfect atmosphere for a three day holiday trip. The weather can range from -139C to 27C,  so bring very cold winter clothes up your spring and summer clothes for here on earth. Due to the thin  atmosphere, there will not be bad weather conditions like we face on Earth.


Our friendly crew will be to your help at all times. Oxygen Tanks and  Spacesuits are provided.


You have many choices on your trip. In three days, you can choose to either climb the famous mountain  and volcano Olympus Mons, or bungee jump the 7KM deep canyon Valles Marineris, visit the southern polar cap, a place where frozen water and CO2 exist, or visit the Hellas Planitia, a giant crater on Mars.


This is a once in a lifetime experience. Call us now, at 900 - GNA Mars, that's 900 - 462 - 6277, or register  at our website.  The trip costs 7,830 dollars for the flight and about 4,000 for stay, which includes  bedding, food, entertainment, and other things. Once again, this is GNA Travelers, and we are greeting you from MARS.


