Lesson in nature


Lesson in nature

Everybody loves Nature in their own way. Some people love animals and care for their safety; other people love to sow flowers; and some of us enjoy a long walk through nature while we appreciate its beauty. Being a little girl who enjoyed the freedom that the countryside offered, I loved spending time in this mysterious but beautiful place named Rancho Los Otates. This little village can be found in Michoacán De Ocampo, Mexico, a charming and magic place where I used to live with my family. Rancho Los Otates is so fresh and peaceful; you can hear the birds singing, water and wind flowing and the trees swaying side to side. A river runs through the mountains making its path down to the village where women go to fill their jars with this liquid of life. By the side of the river you can see colorful flowers and big trees, you can see little animals running around and just being there makes me think this is the most beautiful place that I have ever seen. This village is where I learned how important nature is to us humans. Each time that I went there with my family I felt so free, because I was able to do everything I could not do in my house, which was in the city. I enjoyed playing and swimming in the river as well as a sunny day with the freshness of the wind touching my skin while climbing to the top of the tree. Picking tamarinds from the trees and finding gachupines in the ground at the beginning of the raining season. I spent most of my life close to nature, enjoying it and learning from it. You may be wondering, what could one possibly learn from nature? It is not as if nature were a person who can talk. For this reason, I would like to share with you these life lessons that I learned just by paying attention and listening to nature.

I was 8 years old when I first watched a commercial on TV about pollution affecting us and nature. I did not know why was so important to take care of nature so I asked my mother and said to me, “we have to take care of nature because it gives us everything you see around you, and it even teaches you lessons you just have to see more closely and listen.” After that conversation, I was more lost than at the beginning. I wanted a simpler answer, but I didn't have it, but I started to pay more attention to every detail every time I would go to Los Otates. One day while walking by the river, I found a small fish swimming against the current calm and without fear to lose the battle. Then I start to realize what my mom meant by nature teaching us lessons, like the fish swimming against the current showed me the main law of life which is fight for what I believe and never give up even if the world is against me.

The nature is our second home is a place where we can feel happy and free, is place fresh full of magic and happiness. Nature is green and blue, feels soft at the touch, it sounds like happiness, smells as home and unknown, is the hand of god and is the most important place where we can learn different lesson of life that can apply every single day so we have to take care of nature an loved as much we can.