How to Choose the Best Shaving Foam for Smooth Skin?

Skin care is equally important for all genders, thankfully more and more people are getting mindful about it. When it comes to men, their skin care is pretty basic but essential and must be done regularly. Shaving is an important part of their daily facial skin care as it can make your face feel drier, coarse and even sensitive to other products. Before shaving, the lubricant or the product that creates the lather for the razor play a crucial role in determining how the end result will be and many men are caught between the two giants- shaving soap and shaving cream.

The men who love to embrace the old school charm will definitely go for the shaving soap as it gives more control, unmatched closeness and comfort that results in zero friction making the shaving process smooth and seamless. There are some amazing hidden gems in organic skin care for men when it comes to shaving soaps. Unfortunately, the abundance of shaving foam, shaving creams and shaving gels have taken the limelight away from shaving soaps.

But what you don’t know is that the only difference between the two is the water content in each.  The canned rivals have more water content making them more convenient when applied but have a shorter life whereas the shaving soaps require some extra rubbing to produce that amazing lather but it can last you way longer. Having a shaving soap in your grooming arsenal is the sign of a true gentleman who knows what his roots are and loves to do the shaving in the most classic way.

The market today is saturated with hundreds if not thousands of shaving brands, each one pushing the narrative of making you oh-so-dreamy, sexy, wanted by all girls. In this article, I will tell you why you should choose shaving soap over any other shaving product and also share the best tips before selecting a shaving soap for best results.

The Difference between Shaving Soap and Shaving Cream

In order to decide whether you’re Team Soap or Team Cream you first need to understand the differences and qualities each one proposes and possesses. The main thing that sets them apart is the time and effort each one takes to produce a good lather. All the canned rivals have huge water content which takes zero effort to lather up so no time is wasted whereas the soap takes a lot of time and effort to lather up. Now you might think that shaving creams and gels are the clear winner here. You need to pay heed to other aspects as well.

The first thing is the texture of shape of both the opponents. Shaving soap has a solid shape which takes less space in the grooming kit, it is compact and has no chances of spilling. Whereas the shaving foams and gels come in plastic containers that are bad for the environment and take a lot of space in the kit. Shaving creams also have chances of leakage as the water content in them is high.

Next difference is the control each one gives to the user. Shaving soaps give you full control over the amount of lather you want to create and also allows you to maneuver it around the areas which need more lathering. Shaving foams also give you control but as the water content is higher the foam starts to thin out quickly. Shaving soaps are also long lasting, durable and that’s why they are cost effective as well. Shaving foams tend to get finished quickly, they aren’t that durable and that’s why they are heavier on the pocket. With a shaving soap you can get hundreds of days of shaving and with a shaving foam that number diminishes to less than half. Always opt for shaving soaps that belong to organic skin care for men in order to get the best for yourself. You can also get wholesale soap bars for more cost-effectiveness.

Tips for Choosing the Best Shaving Soap

1.            Choose the Correct soap

 Many people are under the impression that regular soap and shaving soap are the same, which is completely untrue. A shaving soap has to not only make a good lather but also has to be gentle, smooth and hydrating for the skin. Any regular soap can draw excessive moisture out of your skin making it coarse and prone to cuts. There are basically three ways of soap making: triple-milled, croap soap and semi-hard soap. A good shaving soap is the triple-milled one. It is grated, melted and pressed which disperses excessive moisture but makes it gentler, milder and easier to lather up.

2.            Check out the Ingredients

When it comes to organic skin care for men, the ingredients play an important role.  You must check what ingredients the soap has and if it has glycerin, fat and essential oils then grab that one. The soap which has higher glycerin content is the best as this ingredient makes the kin super soft. With the combination of oil and essential oils, it becomes the perfect shaving soap.

3.            Durability and Usability

Shaving soap has a way longer durability than any of the canned rivals, trust me. As far as usability is concerned, it depends on the frequency of shaving, how thick or thin the beard is and how much you like to trim the beard. On average a shaving soap bar will last you anywhere between 6-8 months!

4.            Fragrance

One of the best things about organic skin care for men is that it uses organic essential oils that give the best aroma and fragrance. If you want to wake up to your favorite smell every morning rather than the smell of sharp chemical ridden foam than shaving soaps are calling your name.

5.            Cost

 Cost is a major factor that can make you change sides immediately. Shaving soaps not only last you for 6-8 months, they are also very cost effective starting for $20 and going up till $30. Whereas on average, the shaving creams start from $50 or so and last hardly a month or so.

Mooseberry for the Rescue

We at Mooseberry have a big range of amazing shaving soap that’ll make your life easier.  We have shaving soaps in a ton of variety, shapes, sizes, textures and scents so do check our page for authentic organic skin care for men.