Single Number Communications, LLC

Full Address

299 S. Rose Blvd.

Akron, OH 44313 USA

Phone Number:



Business Email

[email protected]


Social Link:



Business Phone Number




Mon– Thu: 7am to 7pm,

Fri: 7am to 5pm,

Sat: 9am to 3pm



Business Phone Service: Unlock the Power of Virtual Telecom with Single Number Communications.

Convert your company’s primary phone number into a virtual receptionist, presenting extensions for each relevant employee.

"Welcome to ABC Company. If you wish to speak to Bill, please press 100. Dial 101 for Bob, 102 for Mary, 103 for Sales, or 104 for Janet or general office inquiries."

Extensions efficiently direct callers to respective mobile devices or landlines, maintaining privacy.

  • Our unparalleled system of responsiveness and reliability
  • Take calls at the office or remotely, enhancing your reach
  • Updated technologies allow for a complete backup of any current system.
  • The business number displayed on Caller ID facilitates easy identification of work calls
  • Take advantage of our advanced voicemail options to simplify your voicemail management.
  • We accommodate your unique needs, whether it’s 24-7, after-hours, or overflow.
  • Incoming calls are screened, enabling you to assess who it’s from before you accept the call or discreetly send the caller to voicemail. YOU retain control.
  • If a call is not answered, it is redirected to your extension voicemail instead of your personal cell voicemail, maintaining clear boundaries between work and personal calls.
  • No additional hardware or software is required for this setup
  • There is potential to significantly reduce expenses by eliminating redundant phone lines and avoiding the need for elaborate phone systems. Keep your personal cell number private.



Voip Phones, Phone Number, Business calls, voicemail options, remote office phone systems, virtual phone number, Business virtual phone number, contact us virtual telecom, AT&T Options, Meet Angle Fax


Owner Name

Bill Kirk

Fax number
