NAS Ransomware Data Recovery - Myth Busters & Best Practices

Ransomware is by far the most talked about potential disaster scenario facing NAS deployed by organizations and end users.

Top 5 NAS Ransomware Data Recovery Myths:

1. Myth #1: Traditional backups enable a solid ransomware recovery plan
2. Myth #2: Snapshots provides rapid recovery in case of ransomware
3. Myth #3: Air gapped backup targets helps you recover from a ransomware attack
4. Myth #4: Immutability on object storage ensures ransomware recovery
5. Myth #5: Cloud backup provides an impenetrable safety net against ransomware

Top 5 Ignored NAS Ransomware Data Recovery Best Practices:

1. Best Practice #1: Pre-emptive File Probing
2. Best Practice #2: Whitelisting
3. Best Practice #3: Rapid Damage Assessment
4. Best Practice #4: Live Mounting
5. Best Practice #5: Application Verification

To know all the myths and best practices in depth, visit their website.
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