B.I.Medserve Wheelchair Transport

Business address:

Houston, TX 77077

Business phone:




Business e-mail:

[email protected]

Business owner:

 Brian Musa


Medical transportation

Hours open:



BiMedServe Medical Wheelchair Transport is a specialized transportation service that caters to individuals with mobility challenges, ensuring they have safe and comfortable journeys to their destinations. We understand the unique needs of our clients, and our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to providing the highest level of care and support during each trip.Our wheelchair-accessible vehicles are equipped with state-of-the-art technology and safety features, ensuring a smooth and secure ride for our passengers. Our vehicles are also regularly maintained to ensure reliability and cleanliness.


Medical Wheelchair Transport

Wheelchair Accessible Transportation

Specialized Medical Transport

Ambulatory Transport Services

Non-Emergency Medical Transport

Senior Mobility Solutions

Disabled Transport Services

Safe and Comfortable Medical Transport

Pa-yment Methods:

 cash, check, credit card