
Sports Minister Says His Remarks To Diver Pandelela's Sexual Harassment Issue Taken Out Of Context By Media; Investigation Underway 

Youth and Sports Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Faizal Azumu said his comments addressing why the Olympian just made some noise about the issue that happened quite a long time back had been taken outside any connection to the subject at hand by the media

KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 26 ― Under fire, Youth and Sports Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Faizal Azumu today protected his comments to public jumper Datuk Pandelela Rinong who as of late shouted out with regards to inappropriate behavior episodes she suffered from public mentors before. 토토사이트

Trying to ease public analysis, he said his comments addressing why the Olympian just made some noise about the issue that happened quite a long time back had been taken outside the current discussion by the media. 

"Obviously the public authority sees the matter genuinely, what more if acts past inappropriate behavior had to be sure occurred which were executed by mentors or game officials. 

"Furthermore, what I said in a question and answer session yesterday, that we need to acquire a full and itemized clarification from Datuk Pandelela herself and those supposedly engaged with the demonstrations, may have been taken outside any connection to the subject at hand by the media. 

"So I attempted to acquire a more full comprehension prior to making an applicable move," he said in the Dewan Rakyat earlier today. 

The Bersatu appointee president was answering to Muar MP Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman who needed to know the public authority's position on the issue. 

Presently an autonomous official, Syed Saddiq was the adolescent and sports serve during Pakatan Harapan's 22-month rule. 

Puchong MP Gobind Singh Deo then, at that point, stood up and said Ahmad Faizal was unsuitable to be a priest for scrutinizing the circumstance of Pandelela's disclosure. 

The DAP official inquired as to whether he knew that Malaysia has no time limit with regards to indicting criminal demonstrations. 

"Tuan Speaker, really this clergyman is unsuitable to be the adolescent and sports serve for neglecting to give competitors support. 

"I need to find out if he knows that there is no time impediment in criminal law. So in case there is a grievance, despite the fact that it has since a long time ago occurred, there ought to be activity taken," Gobind said. 

"I concur earnestly with what YB has said. I do comprehend that there is no time limit," Ahmad Faizal repliee prior to Petaling Jaya MP Maria Chin Abdullah cut in. 

"On the off chance that you concur, for what reason was no activity taken?" she inquired. 

Ahmad Faizal let Maria know that move is being made. 

However, he emphasized that he expected to hear from those required before move can be made. 

Pandelela took to Twitter the previous evening clarifying her new vocal position against poking fun at assault following the questionable broadcasting of a television show program on public TV in which a famous neighborhood entertainer revealed his vigorous dreams while recording an assault scene. 

She said she talked up to make attention to the continuous maltreatments and to show fortitude with different casualties so no one will at any point fail to remember what they persevered. 

In an October 21 tweet, Pandelela said she needed to bear sexual jokes and remarks from one of her mentors for quite some time. 

She reviewed how she once berated the mentor after she had enough of his obscene jokes, just to be harassed by a similar mentor who was subsequently accused of assaulting another competitor. 

Pandalela didn't name anybody in her tweets however in 2017, Chinese public Huang Qiang, who was a mentor in the public jumping program, was charged in the Sessions Court with assaulting a public jumper, who was matured 20 then, at that point, in a dry exercise center at the National Aquatics Center, Bukit Jalil Sports Complex in Sri Petaling. 

He was later cleared after the indictment pulled out its allure in the Court of Appeal. 

Following that, the public plunging arrangement was disbanded and previous lead trainer Yang Zhuliang was diminished of his obligations. 

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