List Of FAQs About HVO Fuel That You Need To Know

HVO fuel is a paraffinic diesel, which means it is a clean and high-quality diesel that has been breaking out as the new alternative-diesel in the market. Since it reduces greenhouse gas emissions by up to 90%, people and businesses have become interested in this new product. They have been asking questions regarding the process, the benefits, and so on. In this article, you will find out the frequently asked questions about HVO fuel and their answers.

What Is HVO Fuel?

HVO stands for Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil, and it can be used as a form of renewable diesel, mainly in the agricultural and construction sectors. HVO fuel is considered FAME-free and fossil-free, making it an environmentally-friendly choice. Thus, it is an excellent eco fuel substitute for red diesel or mineral diesel, as it can be used with a wide range of OEM approvals in modern vehicles, agricultural vehicles, generators, construction machinery and Industrial power systems.

What Are The Benefits?


• Lower Emissions – Up to a 90% reduction of harmful substances

• Ordering Online Here - HVO fuel has a longer-lasting time in a tank compared to red diesel or mineral.

• Easy-Switch – Compared to regular diesel, HVO delivers the same performance, uses the same tanks, is stored the same way, and is competitively priced

• Eco-Friendly Deliveries – We offset all carbon associated with your order, free of charge

• Convenience of Speedy – It’s simpler with us; all you have to do is top-up to reorder


• Safer Performance – The high quality of alternative fuels can give you better handing and stability of vehicles, as well as a cleaner burn

• Improved Site Air Quality – Biofuels are likely to improve the working environment for your staff

• Better Brand Image – HVO biodiesel can significantly reduce your annual carbon footprint, improving brand image and making your company more attractive to customers and investors

What is the biodiesel process?

The canopy generators are basically used in the same way; however, HVO biofuel is used as a drop-in to the pre-existing fossil fuels that are being used already. Since the HVO diesel utilises fewer fossil fuels, it generates more environmental benefits than ordinary fuels.

What are the benefits of using HVO biodiesel?

Wondering what these benefits are? Using HVO biodiesel in your canopy generators can slash harmful NOx emissions by up to 25% - without any impact on the performance of your generators. However, the benefits of using HVO diesel isn’t limited to that.  Alongside cutting NOx emissions, HVO fuel also reduces particulate matter by up to 42% - all helping you to reach your goal of being more sustainable in your business.

How is renewable diesel made?

Hydrotreating vegetable oils is a modern way to produce high-quality diesel fuels from completely renewable materials that can be regrown when needed. The raw materials used in HVO fuel, such as crops, has a lesser environmental impact, bypassing the drive for global deforestation.

What is the cetane number of diesel?

Mineral diesel has a cetane number of 51, and FAME biodiesel has a cetane number between 50 and 65. But with HVO, it has a cetane number ranging between 70 and 90, providing better performance, cleaner combustions, and fewer chances of waxing in a cold climate.

Will I have to change my boiler for HVO?

HVO is a great substitution for diesel and Kerosene, and depending on the type of boiler you have, you may not need to make any changes to use HVO. The more modern your boiler is, the more likely it is to be compatible with HVO with a couple of simple modifications. Most new boilers can utilise HVO fuel without any necessary modifications needed.

What does it contain?

Since HVO fuel has a high level of cetane numbers, it can be described as chain paraffinic hydrocarbons. These segments are sulfur, aromatics, and oxygen free and have some huge benefits over Fatty Acid Methyl Esters (FAME), which empower them to be utilised in aviation, agriculture, transport, marine, and other applications.

Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil, commonly called HVO fuel, has become popular in the oil industry due to its green and logistical benefits. It is much better for the climate and motors of any type compared to the traditional diesel. HVO is an excellent alternative for a range of applications that have a less environmental impact. This article has taught you more information regarding HVO fuel, which you can use to explore this excellent product.