hyperbaric oxygen therapy ppt

Most oxygen conveyed in the blood is bound to hemoglobin, which is 97% immersed at climatic tension. Some oxygen is anyway conveyed in arrangement, and this piece is expanded at strain because of Henry's Law, boosting tissue oxygenation. While breathing normobaric air, blood vessel oxygen pressure is roughly 100 mmHg, and tissue oxygen strain around 55 mmHg. Be that as it may, 100 percent oxygen at 3 ATA can increment blood vessel oxygen strains to 2000 mmHg, and tissue oxygen pressures to around 500 mmHg,12 permitting conveyance of 60 ml oxygen for every liter of blood (contrasted with 3 ml/l at climatic tension), which is newtowne hyperbaric adequate to help resting tissues without a commitment from haemoglobin.13,14 As the oxygen is in arrangement, it can arrive at truly discouraged regions where red platelets can't pass, and can likewise empower tissue oxygenation even with disabled hemoglobin oxygen carriage, for example, in carbon monoxide harming and extreme frailty.

HBO expands age of oxygen free extremists, which oxidize proteins and layer lipids, harm DNA and repress bacterial metabolic capabilities. HBO is especially compelling against anaerobes, and works with the oxygen-subordinate peroxidase framework by which leukocytes kill bacteria.15 HBO likewise further develops the oxygen-subordinate vehicle of specific anti-toxins across bacterial cell walls.16


HBO works on injury recuperating by enhancing oxygen angles along the fringe of ischaemic injuries, and advancing oxygen-subordinate collagen grid arrangement required for angiogenesis.17,18 During reperfusion, leukocytes stick to ischaemic tissues, delivering proteases and free revolutionaries, which prompts obsessive vasoconstriction and tissue destruction.19 This deteriorates pulverize wounds and compartment conditions, and causes disappointment of skin folds, unions and reattachment procedures.20 This free extreme harm has been ensnared in neuronal injury following ischaemia and openness to medications and toxins. Zamboni21 showed diminished leukocyte adherence and post-ischaemic vasoconstriction with HBO in ischaemic rodent tissue, and all the more as of late Thom22 exhibited decreased lipid peroxidation with HBO in rodents with carbon monoxide harming.


Hyperoxia in typical tissues because of HBO causes fast and critical vasoconstriction,23 yet this is made up for by expanded plasma oxygen carriage, and microvascular blood stream in ischaemic tissue is really improved with HBO.21 Such vasoconstriction truly does anyway lessen post-horrible tissue oedema, which adds to the treatment of pulverize wounds, compartment disorders and burns.24


At last, HBO limits post-ischaemic decreases in ATP creation, and diminishes lactate amassing in ischaemic tissue.25 In synopsis, HBO unpredictably affects resistance, oxygen transport and haemodynamics. The positive remedial impacts come from a decrease in hypoxia and oedema, empowering ordinary host reactions to disease and ischaemia.Hyperbaric medication is the entrancing utilization of barometric strain for conveying expanded oxygen broke up in plasma to body tissues.

Hyperbaric oxygen treatment (HOT) or hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) includes discontinuous inward breath of 100 percent oxygen under a tension surpassing that of the environment, that is more noteworthy than 1 air outright (ATA). Treatment is given in extraordinary helpful chambers which were before utilized principally to treat diseases of remote ocean jumpers. There is as of late a recharged interest in this field everywhere. Intense horrendous injuries, squash wounds, consumes, gas gangrene and compartment disorder are signs where expansion of hyperbaric oxygen might be life and appendage saving.