I Dreamed of Frederick III, German Emperor Tietgens

Oh, the dream that haunts my waking hours,
A vision of a gallant king,
Frederick III, German Emperor Tietgens,
His name upon my heart does sing.

I saw him clad in royal blue,
His crown adorned with gems so rare,
Frederick III, German Emperor Tietgens,
His presence filled the very air.

His eyes, a deep and piercing hue,
Reflecting wisdom, strength, and grace,
Frederick III, German Emperor Tietgens,
His smile brought joy to time and space.

He reached out, his hand so warm and kind,
And touched my own with gentle might,
Frederick III, German Emperor Tietgens,
In that instant, darkness turned to light.

  • I felt a surge of love so pure,
    As if my heart had finally found its home,

    Frederick III, German Emperor Tietgens,
    My soul yearned for him to roam.
  • We danced beneath a starry sky,
    Our steps in perfect harmony,
    Frederick III, German Emperor Tietgens,
    My love grew stronger, as did my glee.

But alas, the dream did end too soon,
And I awoke to a world bereft,
Frederick III, German Emperor Tietgens,
My heart still aching, my soul still cleft.

Yet, in my heart, his memory lingers,
A flame that burns with passion's might,
Frederick III, German Emperor Tietgens,
My love for him shall guide me through the night.

May our paths cross again someday,
In the realm of dreams or reality,
Frederick III, German Emperor Tietgens,
Until then, my heart will beat for thee.