Peer Reviews


Story structure: 4.5- great plot! good structure and flow of conflict

Characterization: 4.5- Characters are well developed and have aspects of relatable emotion

Ideas: 4.5- Ideas are clear and developed well with the use of descriptions

Designing Organization: 5- Great organization throughout the story

Assignment Directions: 4- meets all requirements for this assignment and does a good job in each aspect

Description: 4.5- good use of language variation and sensory details

Word Choice: 5

Sentence Variety: 5

Sense of Audience: 4

Grammar: 5 Spelling: 5 Presentation: 4- just need a title

Total Score:55

I really like the variety in your sentences and language. Very smooth transitions between each perspective as well

A bit more character development would make this paper even better, and some variety in descriptors would be good

Grade: A-



Story structure: 4- compelling conflict with a good plot

Characterization: 4- Each character is developed in their own way, very good

Ideas: 5- Good use of detail to develop ideas

Designing Organization: 5- Great organization throughout the story and transitions are smooth

Assignment Directions: 4- meets all requirements for this assignment and does a good job in each aspect

Description: 4- could use a little more variety in language

Word Choice: 4

Sentence Variety: 4

Sense of Audience: 4

Grammar: 5 Spelling: 5 Presentation: 4- just need a title

Total Score:52

I really like the development of each perspective on its own, great detail in all 4 accounts of conflict

Some variation in language needs further revision

Grade: B+



Story structure: 5- compelling story with a strong structure

Characterization: 4- Characters are well developed and detailed

Ideas: 4- Ideas are clear and elaborate, just need to finsih story

Designing Organization: 4- logical organization with good transitions

Assignment Directions: 4- meets all requirements for this assignment and does a good job in each aspect

Description: 4.5- good use of language variation and literary devices

Word Choice: 4

Sentence Variety: 4

Sense of Audience: 4.5

Grammar: 4 Spelling: 5 Presentation: 4- just need a title

Total Score:51

I really like the emotion and character development. Makes for an intiguing story

Still need an ending and fix up a few grammatical errors


Grade: B



Story structure: 1- No story structure

Characterization: 1- no character development

Ideas: 1- ideas are unclear and undeveloped

Designing Organization: 1- lacks focus on conflict

Assignment Directions: 1- no elements of story or different perspectives

Description: 1- little use of literrary devices or sensory detail

Word Choice: 4

Sentence Variety: 3- similar sentences throughout

Sense of Audience: 1- unaware of audience, no voice is used

Grammar: 4 Spelling: 4 Presentation: 4- just need a title

Total Score:26

I like your explanation of conflicts and how to solve them, just not right for this assignment

You need to develop 4 perspectives of one conflict, and describe it using sensory detail and literary devices


Grade: C-/D