IBS Consultants: An Introduction to Setting Up Business Entity in Singapore


According to foreign companies reports, published by the Department of Commerce and Industry of India, nearly 30-40% of Indian Companies have already established a business entity in foreign lands and of these numbers more are incorporated in Singapore. The reason why Singapore has become the hub of Indian businesses is because, in Singapore the laws regarding incorporation of the company are more flexible and easily adaptable. But while this is an easy procedure, it also involves legal factors, which if not followed properly can lead to disturbed and unbalanced business operations. It does not matter how good the business is operating in the home land, no company can afford to bear any losses or an extra fine in the foreign lands. Thus, while venturing into a foreign land, a company should have an expert with itself in the journey, to safeguard its business and monetary assets and to ensure proper legal certification and registration of the company is in place. To provide an all round security for the business operation in the foreign land, it is advised always to walk with a consulting firm, having a base established already in the business place, which with its expertise can guide a business through all the requisite and can bring in successful incorporation of the business.

Starting with the registration of the Business, a company should be clearly aware of its functions and motives, which becomes the foundation of the company and which helps in resolving queries related registration. To begin with, a company should be well versed with the laws of the land and should proceed accordingly. This may consume a lot of time, if the business counters any hurdles on the way, that can sometimes lead to bring a loss in the business. Hence, to go on with the process, a business should shake hands with a consultancy like IBS Singapore which takes the responsibility of registering the business with its quality registration services in Singapore.

IBS Singapore supervises over all the required document registrations and liberates the business from the stress, to the key-holders of the business concentrate only on its operations. After the registration is done successfully, the major thing that needs attention is the business structuring and incorporation. Business structuring means designing the business in a way which will hold roots in the market for a longer time. Here, the major is concerned upon is to appoint a representative who will be responsible for the operations and other business things. If the structure of the business fails to address the requirements, then the entity would not have a healthy life in the market place. IBS Singapore therefore, comes with its excellent services of providing business structuring and incorporation in Singapore, whereby it elaborates the company on the requirements and categorizes the priorities on the table. IBS Singapore is a hub where an organisation or a company can get access to a variety of services including incorporation of advisory services in Singapore, which help the Businesses to acquire strong roots in the market place.

Setting up an entity in Singapore may be thought as an easy process, but it requires a lot of efforts to turn the application of registration into an operating Business entity. All these procedures can be worked out individually, but only if the company is ready to take a risk. But to play on a safer side, it is necessary that a company should have an expert standing by its side, guiding it through the necessary steps and lowering the stress, of incorporating the business.