If Movies Had Smell-O-Vision, These Flicks Would Be Unbearable

Imagine if movies had smell-O-vision. It would be a whole new way to experience cinema. But some movies would be unbearable to watch. Here are a few examples:

  • The Shawshank Redemption
  • This classic film is known for its heartwarming story of hope and redemption. But if you had to smell the prison, the sewers, and the other unsavory locations in the film, it would be a whole different experience.

  • Trainspotting
  • This dark comedy follows a group of heroin addicts in Edinburgh. The film is already pretty grim, but if you had to smell the drugs, the vomit, and the other bodily fluids, it would be even more difficult to watch. Maybe it could make awareness of the realities of addiction more palpable and thus help reduce stigma.

  • The Passion of the Christ
  • This controversial film depicts the last 12 hours of Jesus Christ's life. The film is already very graphic, but if you had to smell the blood, the sweat, and the other bodily fluids, it would be even more difficult to watch. But maybe having to smell the blood and sweat could add another layer to the already quite impactful portrayal of the suffering endured by Jesus

Of course, these are just a few examples. There are many other movies that would be unbearable to watch if they had smell-O-vision. But it's fun to think about what it would be like to experience these films in a whole new way.