If You're Blind, You're Not an Alien to Me

You're just a person like me, but with a different way of seeing the world.

I'll never forget the first time I met a blind person. I was young, and I had this idea in my head that blind people were different from me. They were mysterious and strange, and I didn't know how to act around them.

But then I met Sarah. She was a young woman, and she was just like me. She was funny, and she was smart, and she was kind. And she happened to be blind.

I remember talking to Sarah for hours that day. I asked her all sorts of questions about her life. I wanted to know what it was like to be blind. And she told me that it was just like being sighted, except that she couldn't see.

I was so relieved to hear that. I had been so worried that blind people were different from me, but Sarah showed me that they weren't. She was just a person, like me.

I'm so grateful that I met Sarah. She taught me a valuable lesson about people with disabilities. She taught me that they're not different from me, and that they deserve to be treated with respect and dignity.

If you're blind, I want you to know that you're not an alien to me. You're just a person, like me. You're just a person with a different way of seeing the world.

And that's okay.

In fact, it's more than okay. It's something to be celebrated. Because when we embrace our differences, we make the world a more beautiful place.

So thank you, Sarah, for teaching me this valuable lesson. And thank you to all the other blind people who have inspired me with your strength and resilience.

I'm proud to know you. I'm proud to call you my friends. And I'm proud to stand with you in the fight for a more inclusive world.