My Commitment To #IllRideWithYou

Here's what I will do if I witness verbal or physical anti-social behaviour on public transport.

  • Stand up and loudly ask all passengers, "If you're OK with what is happening here, please raise your hand." This will show perpetrators that their behaviour is not acceptable by the majority.
  • Ask the driver to stop the vehicle to allow anyone who wants to leave the situation to do so.
  • Directly identify and ask 3 or more men to stand and be ready to intervene only if necessary
  • Directly identify and ask 3 people to call the police.
  • Give the perpetrator/s the opportunity to leave peacefully.
  • If the perpetrator/s do not wish to leave peacefully, ask the identified men to assist in forcibly removing them from the situation.

Beyond this point, the variables cannot be planned for. I'll just do my best.

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