All About Fenugreek And Breast Milk Supply

  1. is a blessing for the babies and therefore every mother wishes to have sufficient supply of their milk to fulfill their baby’s bottomless pit. However, when nursing mothers feel a low supply, they get worried and start trying many different kinds of milk supply supplements including galactogogues to boost milk production. When researching, the most common herb found to increase milk supply is fenugreek, and this article will cover all aspects related to this plant based herb and breastmilk.

About fenugreek

Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum) is a plant (shrub) harvested annually, which has a height of two to three feet (60 to 90) centimeters when fully grown. It has small white, yellow flowers and seed containing pods that are native to Asia and the Mediterranean countries. Every part of this plant is beneficial and thus has a great history of cooking, flavoring and for healing purposes. It is also a well-known super food to increase milk supply in nursing mothers. The herb has a maple like taste and smell and is also used to enhance the flavor of artificial maple syrup. The golden colored seeds of fenugreek are what we are looking for lactation concerns. The taste of seeds is bitter, but when dry roasted, you can bring out the sweetness in it.

Is fenugreek really effective to increase milk production?

  1. surveys are carried out in which feeding mothers were given fenugreek seeds in many milk supply supplements and brewed teas to enhance their lactation ability and yes, there was a noticeable increase in the milk volume, babies gaining weight and mothers seemed really satisfied from it. Almost all lactation practitioners commonly recommend this galactogogue to increase milk supply as it really works on many feeding women. Though the scientific research on how it works is limited and they say it works because it has plant based phytoestrogens which are chemicals similar to estrogens. Another study suggests that it works on sweat production glands which are mammary glands and thus the production of milk supply increases too. so, it is considered as a blessing for nursing mothers.

How to consume fenugreek to increase breastmilk supply?

The best and simplest way to include fenugreek seeds in your diet is by having its brewed teas, in powder form or adding them in your meals like curries, meals or when dry roasted, sprinkling on salads. You have to just soak the seeds overnight, so that these seeds release all the concentrate in the water and then boil them in the morning for about five minutes. Now you can use this tea, which is ready to consume. You can make them taste better by adding sugar, honey or stevia. Having it two to three times daily is a good way to increase milk supply naturally. It is also available in capsules form, which has dry powder in it. You can even gulp fenugreek seeds by water to boost your milk producing powers.

There are also lactation treats available in markets with enhancing milk supply supplements which are ready to eat. They are added in cookies, brownies, lattes and in smoothies too. Many nutritionists also advised to sprout its seeds, which is one of the healthiest and tastier versions of these seeds. You can eat them as it is or make them part of your salads.

Recommended doses

Caution! They are not regulated like prescription drugs are. You are strictly advised to use these seeds in recommended doses and just because they are natural doesn’t mean it is safe to consume as much as you like. You must follow a guideline before supplementing it in your diet. For teas, consume only one to two teaspoons of seeds in eight ounces of boiling water and use them up to three times a day only. If consuming in powder form(capsules), make sure these amounts don't exceed 580 mg to 610 mg per capsule. You can have it two to three times a day but with food or a proper meal to boost a moderate supply of milk. It is also asked to check package instructions and try sticking to trusted brands only. Another piece of advice is that you must gradually add the seeds in your diet and check whether they are suitable for you or not.

How long fenugreek seeds take to increase milk supply?

Generally, if you are consuming the fenugreek supplements consistently in any form or as advised by your lactation consultant, you will notice a steady stimulation within two to three days that means in 24 to 72 hours. You are also asked to pump and feed regularly to keep the supply steady. Dosages less than 3500 mg (3.5 grams) in a day, will not give you a little or may have no effect on milk supply. Many times women bodies respond differently to these dietary supplements or don't work that much like others. It happens in some cases, but there are still ways to increase milk supply, so no need to worry. Ask your doctor or consultants, who can advise you better.           

Side effects to breastfeeding baby:

As we all know, what mothers are consuming has a direct effect on mother’s milk and whatever you are eating is the fuel to your breastmilk. Therefore, in simple words the good and bad effects will pass on to the baby through nursing mother’s milk. It can cause symptoms of gas and bloating in both mother and the baby, and many times the baby is unrestrained and has colic pain in them. Some mothers report greenish loose stools of the baby, and the symptoms prevailing disappear as you stop using fenugreek. Another most known side effect seen is increased sweat and urine smell, which have maple syrup odor. It can even drop lactating mothers' sugar levels if consumed in high doses, so be careful and stick to what doctors have advised you. The symptoms will go away, as you will discontinue its use.

Summing up

It is considered an effective and reliable herb, to increase milk supply and so you can safely use it. It is also suggested to have it with a combination of other herbs to increase its effectiveness. These herbs may contradict with any of your previous or prevailing health conditions, so involve doctors rather than just googling and start consuming it on your own. Just be careful with supplements as you are not alone to face consequences if any!