Journaling Benefits By:India K.

   Writing a journal can most commonly be written by kids that like to write. Journaling has many benefits as a child. Writing a journal on a regular basis is good for middle school students because it can be used for privacy,orginization, and expressing your thoughts and feelings. Expressing your thoughts and feelings is good because it gives you the chance to release the weight that your carrying.Oginization is very important so that you can keep up with your schedules, and lastly privacy because not everyone likes to share everything with their friends, so they write it down to express absoloutly anything that comes to mind.

    Writing a private journal can be good for people that don't necassarily want to share all of their thoughts with their friends, or that person's parents doesn't want their child to share certain things with non-relatives. Private journals allow a child to let out everything that they don't share with others, like family issues that are affecting them. Some people state that for middle school students and all that's going on, a privacy journal is very helpful because after the students write down their private things, they start to feel better and more relieved. I know for sure it helps my friends and I, because we have a lot that goes on at home and school that's private and we need to let those thoughts out. So, writing a private journal isn't anything to be ashamed of it's something to help release baggage.