Info You Did Not Have Knowledge Of About TDCS

Direct stimulation of the Trans cranial region using electric current has become a common procedure in the modern world. Only certain brain regions are targeted. The current should be kept at a minimal. It is passed via 2 electrodes placed on top of the head so that neuronal activity can be modulated. The stimulation can be done via the anodes or the cathodes. In the first case, the neurons are stimulated while they are repressed in the second option when tDCS is administered.
Although the treatment is still an experiment, it has many advantages over other methods employed in stimulating the brain. It is cheap and also non-invasive. Invasive treatments may interfere with the functioning of internal body organs leading to serious problems. The treatment is also safe and painless. The procedure is not complicated and the materials required in the process can be moved easily from one point to the other.
It is very effective when used to treat conditions affecting the mental and nervous system in human beings. Depression, chronic pain, anxiety and Parkinson disease are some of the conditions which can be cured by use of this treatment process. Diseases cause by cognitive impairment can also be cured by use of this procedure. A lot of people think that the procedure is uncomfortable and also painful. Note that these are just misconceptions.
The studies on use of electroconvulsive therapy in medicines started over hundred years ago. The knowledge on this treatment plan was minimal during those times. In the 1960s the procedure was done mainly to patients who were depressed. Increase in use of antidepressants saw a decrease in the use of ECT. In the modern world, doctors opt for this treatment only when everything else has failed.
Much advancement which has been realized in the field of medicine came by as a result of increased electricity use in diagnosis process. Sophisticated machines are now been used in laboratory studies and examinations. The chances that errors will occur are very minimal. Therefore, precise diagnosis can be made because the doctor is able to perform all the tests needed to make an accurate diagnosis.
Professionals who administer Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation should be taken through special training before they are allowed to attend to the patient. If they mess up along the way, the results can be detrimental. Also, studies on the effects this procedure has to the brain over time are very limited and also inconclusive. Amongst the side effects, tingling sensation, fatigue, headache, vertigo and nausea are common.
It has been reported that some people and even researchers perform the procedures on themselves with locally purchased accessories. This should be shunned. Electric current can cause adverse damages to the brain and the rest of the body especially if the accident happens when you are alone. The scalp can get burned leading to scaring. Irritation also happens at times.
People suffering from chronic pain or movement disorders are also good candidates for this treatment process. Palliative care patients can be enrolled into Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation technique to relieve the pain. The stakeholders in palliative care should push for introduction of this procedure in the hospital settings and hospices for better care of the patients.
If you are looking for information about tDCS, you should go to our web pages online here at today. Additional details can be seen at now.