Insurance Fraudulent Claims Investigators at Accidental Benefits/Motor Vehicle Crash Claims Investigations


Accidental claim fraud is one of the most popular insurance frauds that have been dramatically increasing day by day. Unfortunately, there are millions of insured who wants to take benefits through fraudulent activities. They can narrate the whole incident which apparently looks very real and on the basis of it, many of the insurance companies end with the loss of a big amount of currency. The story for fake claim can be narrated in a very professional way, where doctors, witness are ready even to provide their statements or fake medial certificates. Our investigation will not only be zoomed around the insured but it will be based upon all facts and figures where we can grab the whole plan. We believe that we need to find out the pure facts and findings and on behalf of our report, our client not even save the money but also can take proper actions against fraud. However, the companies always try our best that our client become more vigilant and review each and every matter through the hawk eye.

Claims Investigations perform our investigation in many ways. The first foremost thing desired is to verify the details which lead to contradictions. Secondly, obtain the real picture of the complete case. The Company collects and verifies the following aspects while conducting Accident claim investigations:

·         Insured’s proper address

·         Date of accident, time and place where accident occurred

·         Detail circumstances of the accident

·         Description of the injuries/cause of the Insured’s death

·         Motor Vehicle Crash analysis

·         List the names and addresses of all physicians and hospitals that provided treatment to insured.

·         Police or other authorities investigate the accident (name and other information of all investigating officers)

·         Autopsy/post-mortem report/medical record from the hospital (name and address of Medical Examiner)

·         Statements of the witnesses, Site visits and scene diagrams

·         Verification of Death certificate/records

·         Copies of police proceedings

The Company collects all the crucial elements in the investigation and can provide the most solid factual evidences to ensure that the capacity of claim is genuine or fabricated. The Company, at GVS has adapted the best practice guide to tackle the growing problem of Insurance fraud. The Company shows the steps to our clients to make it hard for bogus claimants and lay pebbles on their road to succeed in projecting the claim. Our facts and finding always give more knowledge to our client to forecast the futuristic problems which can lead to high level of damages. The Company provides tailor-made services that will help you to fight against crime and fraudulent activities in Insurance sector. If you are suspicious about a claim or want to know the real facts, the company is always standing beside you to curb the fraud. Kindly contact us on [email protected] according to your requirement respectively.