International Mortgages of Premier Capital Group Portfolio Mngt Tokyo, Japan


An International Mortgage, in simple terms, is a mortgage from any global lender that is ready to lend money to anyone based in any foreign nation. Nevertheless, it allows various facilities to individuals with diverse needs.

As such, you may want to:

  • Purchase a home in the country you have recently settled in
  • Raise funds to keep and maintain a home you bought in a former country you previously resided in
  • Raise funds on a home you own in your original country
  • Buy or remortgage a buy-to-let real estate property in any country
  • Buy a commercial real estate property to enable you to expand your business in a new country

The purposes for acquiring an International Mortgage can be as diverse as the available choices made possible; our professional partners can provide advice with respect to the downsides.

Accumulation Account

Accumulation accounts are becoming a very common type of savings account. This enables people who need to pay tax on any interest gained to earn interest and to choose when it will be settled which is often at the time you terminate the account.

Term Deposits

You may also avail of term deposits which enables you to set the interest rate at the start across a choice of specific durations on your spare cash, minus the risk to our money and as an intrinsic portion of a properly-designed portfolio. These term deposits are usually effective for one-month to one-year durations, although there are longer durations available.

Currency Services

Many companies specialize in foreign currency exchange (popularly called FX companies), offering a wide selection of services usually at lower prices compared to those which large banks and related financial houses provide. You can obtain savings through such services, even up to 3% on present currency rates, resulting into potential several thousands of dollars gained by you or your firm.

Premier Capital Group has partnered with some of the most viable firms and can provide you with solid guidance for your business growth.