IQI Technology Limited

A technology company that bridges gap in communication. Offers Call Center Outsourcing Services, Virtual Assistants / Receptionist, DID Numbers & VoIP

Our services are available in the following countries:
USA (United States of America), UK (United Kingdom), Germany, The Netherlands, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Ireland, Belgium, Austria, Poland, Finland, Australia, Canada, New Zealand

Business Hours: 8am – 5pm (Walk –in) - 24/7 Service

Contact us:

5, Alhaji Akintoye Avenue, Adenihun Crescent, Off Idi Ape Road, Agodi GRA, Ikolaba, Ibadan 200221, Nigeria

+234 708 067 1150

+234 700 123 6666

+234 802 340 2742

[email protected]

[email protected]