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See also Proximal interphalangeal mutual, fifth toe AOFAS hundreds, 50 arthrodesis (see Arthrodesis) arthroscopy (heed to b investigate Arthroscopic technique) bone preparation, 50В­51 cannulated compression, 51 expiatory hypermobility, IP collaborative, 49 genre, 43 dorsi-flexion, 43 forefoot surgery, 49 worldwide foot anatomy, 43 IP, 43 operative standard operating procedure, 44В­47 post-operative concern, 48 post-operative prolonged trial and prominence, 50 symptomatic hallux rigidus/ hallux rigido-valgus, 50 treatment, hallux rigidus, 48В­49 Opening metatarso-phalangeal joint (MTPJ) position congruous, 58 deviated, subluxed joint predication, 58, 59 subluxed, 58 Foremost tarso-metatarsal arthrodesis advantages, 87 thumbnail sketch, 86В­87 hallux valgus deformity, 87 open start, 87 art, 88В­89 G Gouty tophus endoscopic resection, MTPJ cannula and trocar, 9, 10 synovitis/tophaceous material, 10 two portals, 9 H Hallux abducto-valgus (HAV) deformity, 60В­61 disorders, 62В­63 HA standpoint, 57 Hallux abductus (HA) position, 57 Hallux dolorosus, 28 230 Ratio Hallux limitus, 28 Hallux rigidus anesthesia, 31 cheilectomy (notice Cheilectomy) commentary, 25 distal first metatarsal osteotomy, 35В­36 dolorosus, 28 extrinsic causes, 27 flexion, 27В­28 Hallux rigidus (cont. 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