Christopher Ginnaven
Story Structure: 4- Good structure
Characterization: 3- Not too detail characterizatin
Ideas: 3-Good but rough
Designing Organization: 3- well design
Specific Assignments Directions: 4- meets all the requirements
Description: 4- brief but yet clear explanation
Word choice: 3- good wording
Sentence Variety: 3- good variety of words
Voice/ Sense of audience: 3- good awareness of target audience
Grammar/ Puncutuation: 4- good grammar
Spelling and Word Usage: 3-correct spelling and word usage
Overall assignment presentation: 3-good presentation
Total Score: 40
Best Aspect: Interesting plot and not cliché
Further Revision: Deeper characterization
The other group member was absent during 2 last class meetings so I didn't get the chance to exchange emails with Karla.